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Revitalizace zahrady - Praha

V Praze jsme se mohli podílet na údržbě a revitalizaci zahrady u významné prvorepublikové vily. S ohledem na umístění tohoto objektu a jeho blízkého okolí, jsme museli veškeré úpravy provádět maximálně citlivě, abychom nenarušili původní řešení zahrady.

Vila Roztoky u Prahy - zahrada

U této moderní vily v Roztokách u Prahy jsme realizovali kompletní zahradu - tzv. na klíč. Součástí návrhu byla i malá střešní zahrada. Práce jsme zahájili hrubými terénními úpravami, po kterých následovala realizace závlahového systému.

Sketches and planting plans

Here are some examples of our sketches, project drawings, studies of details and planting plans. In response to our clients’ needs, some designs needed to be created in a very short space of time, whilst others had much more time to take shape.

Family garden in Roztoky u Prahy

Before redesigning this garden, we thoroughly surveyed the landscape, took measurements and drew up several sketches. Once the design plans were finalised and project drawings ready, we embarked on making the garden as complementary as possible to the villa

Terrace in Harfa

Revitalising this terrace was another small-scale project which gave us much joy. The client had a very clear idea of what he wished to achieve and our task was to draw up the actual planting plan, recommending specific grasses and shrubs.

River Diamond rooftop terrace

Redesigning this rooftop terrace was a very engaging project. Exotic solid wood was combined with small-sized shrubs and conifers and high-quality turf lawn ensured that the desired look was achieved almost immediately. A new bubbling Jacuzzi enhanced the restful,

Year-round maintenance of a company site

We are responsible for the year-round maintenance of the grounds and terraces of an international company based in Prague-Modřany. We provide a complete maintenance service and regularly attend to all the trees, hedges, perennials, decorative grasses and lawns,

Balcony in Prague - Strašnice

We have not created and transformed only large gardens, terraces and parks but also little balconies belonging flats and apartments. Our assignment here was to create a Japanese feel to the balcony so it would match the rest of the flat. We took great care to select the most suitable